These two calenders, made by the National Association for Year-Round Education(NAYRE), shows the break-up of vacation during school years. Both of these calenders exclude weekends and detail a typical year of 258 work days. Both represent 180 school days.
In the traditional calender, the bulk of vacation is the summer vacation with only 3 days off for Thanksgiving, 10 days off for Christmas, and 5 days off for spring break. This limits the family to vacation only during the summer months.
In the balanced calender, vacations are balanced throughout the year allowing flexibility for families to go on vacation, like to the mountains for example. It would also reduce the loss of information in the children throughout the year, making school easier for them.
Now that you have seen the layouts of the two calenders, which do you think is more effective?
There is only 48 days not including weekends that they both have in common, what if you were in a family with 2 kids, 1 kid is on traditional, other kid is on year round, would that be complicated?