Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Readily Accepted: Why Aren't More Schools Switching Over?

Most antagonists of year- round school question it because it hasn't been readily accepted. Many have commented, "if year-round school is such a good idea, why isn't all the schools switching over." The awnser is simple, but first we have to look at some more dramatic questions alike. If democracy is such a good idea, why is it that so few countries have it or why is Christianity not accepted universally? The awnser? No matter how good a idea might be, it doesn't guarantee acceptance.School districts cannot change the school calender in one day. There has to be advocates.
Parents that have experienced year-round school usually become advocates, because they experience the benefits. The opponents usually have not. Here lies the problem in year-round school acceptance. Would you take the chance of year-round school? You have nothing to lose.


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